Maintenance documentation: what are they and how are they managed?

A good maintenance intervention also involves a correct and efficient management of data, both new ones that are processed during maintenance activities and those that are already part of the “file” of our asset.

The maintenance documentation must be usable and accessible at all times of the maintenance workflow in order to ensure correct execution of the maintenance intervention. It is therefore clear that having stacks of paper documents that are difficult to consult and share would compromise the effectiveness of maintenance. For this reason, I recommend you to manage the maintenance documentation with a CMMS, which in addition to supporting you in the planning of the maintenance activity, allows you to manage all the data making it always accessible and shareable.

But do we know in detail what these data are and how to best manage them?

Let’s see it together in this article!

What are the maintenance documentation?

The maintenance documentation are all those that accompany the various phases of the maintenance workflow, without which the process would not have sufficient information to carry out the maintenance intervention itself in an adequate and efficient way. Let’s try to give an example.

When a fault or malfunction occurs, the responsible technician makes it known and opens a maintenance intervention request ticket, specifying:

The maintenance request that, as we have seen, has already begun to generate documents, is examined. Depending on the type of fault and the level of urgency, the intervention is planned both in terms of type and implementation times. Before proceeding to plan the intervention independently, however, we check:

Once the intervention is completed, a specific document is drawn up that testifies to the type of intervention carried out and that specifies all the useful data – materials, spare parts, date, responsible technician, distance from the previous intervention, etc.

From the example just made, a series of data emerged that, without realizing it, accompany the various phases of the maintenance process:

What are the types of maintenance documentation?

A useful way to classify maintenance process documents is to do so based on the stage of the workflow at which they need to be written or are useful.

We will therefore have: