What are the steps to take when trying to switch Reserve Units?

SPC(P) Alexandra Hinds

Let your chain of command know your intentions.
Work with retention to find another unit. Once a unit is found (that is willing to accept you) you will need to fill out a transfer request (DA 4651) and provide it to the new unit for signature. Your retention NCO and unit commander will need to give you an exit counseling. S1 will take all the documents and put them in a packet and send them up the chain (BN, BDE, etc) and orders will get cut reassigning you.

does the same apply for officers? I have transitioned off Active Duty and I am not sure how it works. Thanks in advance

CPT Klimkowski - Yes, paper process in the same, however, commanders tend to want to interview officers (requesting APFT and last 3 OERs, sometimes a military biography)

Does anyone have any insight on my situation: I found a unit that I interviewed with in JAN, they asked if I wanted to come work with them and sent me the transfer paperwork. I spoke with my commander on 01 FEB and provided the documentation which has yet to be signed even though originally my CO said they would support the move. My S1 is telling me I can go direct to the 99th RD if the CO doesn't sign my paperwork and they will directly cut my orders. Is my CO allowed to block or delay my transfer (we have no upcoming mobilizations or deployments, I am green across the board and have no obligations or anything outstanding with my unit that I owe them). My CO has been avoiding speaking with me about this for weeks now, keeps saying we will revisit in a few weeks. I know that my unit does not have a replacement for me (I am the XO) and that is why they are trying to keep me around. It is extremely frustrating for them to delay this because I have been looking to transfer for some time now (I have been with my current unit for 3 years). I would be moving to an O3 position with my new unit and they are willing to put me on ADOS orders. I am eager to get there and I feel like my current unit is delaying this process.