CHP Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Concealed Handgun Permits in Nebraska.

Applying for a Permit

Do I have to get a purchase permit before I take a training course?

Do I have to get a purchase permit before I take a training course? Do I have to get a purchase permit before I take a training course?

No, a purchase permit is not required. You are required to complete an approved training course prior to applying for a concealed handgun permit.

How much is the cost?

How much is the cost? How much is the cost?

Initial and renewal application fees may be paid using a credit or debit card or e-check online for an additional fee of $4.50.

The permit is valid for a five-year period. You will also be required to pay for the cost of a training course, which varies per instructor.

What will I need to take with me when I apply for a permit?

What will I need to take with me when I apply for a permit? What will I need to take with me when I apply for a permit?

The following documentation may be required upon application for a permit:

These documents are explained more in the following questions.

How long is a training course and what does it cover?

How long is a training course and what does it cover? How long is a training course and what does it cover?

The length of the training courses will vary with each instructor. Certain topics must be included in each class. A live fire exercise must be completed at a firing range. Some instructors will choose to include additional material to supplement the statutorily required topics.

Courses will normally last from 8 to 16 hours, there is no required length. Make sure you ask about the fee when you contact an instructor for class information.

Online training courses do NOT satisfy the handgun training and safety requirement.

How can I find a certified instructor?

How can I find a certified instructor? How can I find a certified instructor?

All certified instructors will be posted on the NSP website along with their contact information. Contact the instructor to obtain a schedule for upcoming classes.

How do I know if the instructor is properly certified?

How do I know if the instructor is properly certified? How do I know if the instructor is properly certified?

Instructors who have been certified by the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) to teach the Handgun and Safety Course required for a concealed handgun permit will be listed on the NSP website. You can also ask to see their certificate evidencing approval by the Nebraska State Patrol.

Does Nebraska honor the online training courses?

Does Nebraska honor the online training courses? Does Nebraska honor the online training courses?

No, we only honor training certificates from one of our certified instructors. See the "Concealed Handgun Instructors" portion of the Nebraska State Patrol website for a list of approved instructors.

Is the training cost part of the permit fee?

Is the training cost part of the permit fee? Is the training cost part of the permit fee?

No. The cost of the training is not part of the permit fee. Training costs are paid directly to the instructor.

I have already had a training course; do I need to take another one?

I have already had a training course; do I need to take another one? I have already had a training course; do I need to take another one?

The law requires that you complete an approved training course within the three years prior to making application for a permit. However, the law also requires that an instructor must be certified by the Nebraska State Patrol to teach the course before they actually teach it.

Instructors began to seek certification in November of 2006. A course you take today from a certified instructor can be used to meet the requirements for a permit anytime within the next three years.

Will my military training course meet the training requirements for a permit?

Will my military training course meet the training requirements for a permit? Will my military training course meet the training requirements for a permit?

Very few, if any, military courses cover the topics required by Nebraska statute. Military training received within the last three years may meet the requirements for the training course if the course meets the minimum safety and training requirements set forth per Nebraska Revised Statute §​69-2432 and in section 027 of the regulations. Unlike the course required for other applicants, the military course does not need to be certified by the Nebraska State Patrol, but it must meet all of the requirements. If you believe a military course you have taken meets all of the requirements, submit the curriculum and evidence of successful completion to the Nebraska State Patrol for review.

As a military member, what information do I need to provide when I apply for a CHP Permit?

As a military member, what information do I need to provide when I apply for a CHP Permit? As a military member, what information do I need to provide when I apply for a CHP Permit?

The following are examples of what you may bring with you:

Where can I apply for a concealed handgun permit?

Where can I apply for a concealed handgun permit? Where can I apply for a concealed handgun permit?

First time applicants must apply in person at one of the Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area offices.

Renewals can be applied for in person or online. Click here to renew online.

Please call the office prior to arriving as days and hours vary. Some offices do not always have staff available for fingerprinting and notarizing applications.

Criminal Identification Division

If I am not sure of a question on the application, should I guess the answer?

If I am not sure of a question on the application, should I guess the answer? If I am not sure of a question on the application, should I guess the answer?

No. You must be sure of the answers you provide on the application form. The Legislature has made providing false information on the application or false evidence of identity a Class IV felony.

What will I need for identification when I apply?

What will I need for identification when I apply? What will I need for identification when I apply?

You will be required to provide valid identification at the time of application consisting of a current Nebraska motor vehicle operator's license, a Nebraska identification card issued by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, or a current military identification card.

What do I need for proof of training?

What do I need for proof of training? What do I need for proof of training?

The applicant may show compliance with the training requirement by providing either the original or a certified copy of a certificate of completion of a Handgun Training and Safety Course approved by the Nebraska State Patrol. If you are a member of the active or reserve armed forces or member of the National Guard, you may meet this requirement with documentation that you have completed handgun training within the previous three (3) years, which meets the minimum safety and training requirements set forth per Nebraska Revised Statute §69-2432 and in section 027 of the regulations. Very few, if any, military courses cover the required topics. Unlike the course required for other applicants, the military course does not need to be certified by the Nebraska State Patrol, but it must meet all of the requirements. If you believe a military course you have taken meets all of the requirements, submit the curriculum and evidence of successful completion to the Nebraska State Patrol for review.

What documentation will I need for proof of citizenship?

What documentation will I need for proof of citizenship? What documentation will I need for proof of citizenship?

Valid proof of citizenship can be an original certified copy of a state issued birth certificate showing birth in the United States, naturalization papers, a Certificate of Citizenship issued by the United States Immigration authorities, or a current or expired United States passport.

How do I prove my vision meets the requirements?

How do I prove my vision meets the requirements? How do I prove my vision meets the requirements?

The applicant may show compliance with the vision requirements by presenting one of the following:

Do I need proof for all of my name changes? What are the required documents?

Do I need proof for all of my name changes? What are the required documents? Do I need proof for all of my name changes? What are the required documents?

Proof of the most recent name change is required. Legal documentation can be a certified copy of a marriage certificate with the county clerk’s signature, divorce decree stating the name change, or court ordered name change.

How long is my training certificate valid?

How long is my training certificate valid? How long is my training certificate valid?

Three (3) years from the date of completion.

General CHP questions

How long does it take to get a permit?

How long does it take to get a permit? How long does it take to get a permit?

Applications submitted to the Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area offices will be promptly forwarded to the Criminal Identification Division for processing. A federal record check is requested before state and local records. If all requirements are met, an initial permit will be issued within 45 days after application. Renewal, data change, and lost/stolen applications will be processed in the order they are received.

Will I be required to undergo a background check to get a permit?

Will I be required to undergo a background check to get a permit? Will I be required to undergo a background check to get a permit?

Federal, state, and local records will be checked for all applicants.

What are some common reasons for denial of a concealed handgun permit application?

What are some common reasons for denial of a concealed handgun permit application? What are some common reasons for denial of a concealed handgun permit application?

Concealed handgun permit applicants must meet the requirements of Nebraska law, including but not limited to the criteria set forth in Nebraska Revised Statute §69-2433. The following are a few of the most common reasons an application for a concealed handgun permit may be denied. This is not an exhaustive list:

The regulations refer to Section 922 of Title 18 of the United States Code. What are the provisions of that law?

The regulations refer to Section 922 of Title 18 of the United States Code. What are the provisions of that law?

The regulations refer to Section 922 of Title 18 of the United States Code. What are the provisions of that law?

The relevant provisions of Section 922 of Title 18 of the United States Code have not been changed since January 1, 2005, which is the date noted in Nebraska Revised Statute §69-2433. This law provides generally that the existence of any of the following items will disqualify an applicant:

Should I take my handgun when I apply for a permit?

Should I take my handgun when I apply for a permit? Should I take my handgun when I apply for a permit?

No. All weapons are prohibited at the Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area sites.

Who keeps all of the information I am required to submit to obtain a permit and is it a public record?

Who keeps all of the information I am required to submit to obtain a permit and is it a public record?

Who keeps all of the information I am required to submit to obtain a permit and is it a public record?

A listing of all applicants and permit holders along with pertinent information obtained in processing your application will be maintained by the Nebraska State Patrol. This information is confidential and is not a public record. It will be made available only to any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency upon request. The Nebraska State Patrol will electronically transmit information concerning permit status to the Department of Motor Vehicles to be contained on the driver's license abstract pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statute §69-2447.

How long is the permit valid?

How long is the permit valid? How long is the permit valid?

A permit will be valid for five years. It can be renewed four (4) months prior to expiration of the initial permit either online or at any Nebraska State Patrol Troop Area office.

Permit holders will not be required to retake a certified training course if their permit is renewed before it expires. Permit holders who allow their permits to expire will be required to retake a certified training course and pay the $100 fee for a new permit.

Do I have to tell people I have a concealed handgun?

Do I have to tell people I have a concealed handgun? Do I have to tell people I have a concealed handgun?

Per Nebraska Revised Statute §28-1202.04, whenever a person who is carrying a concealed handgun is contacted by a peace officer or by emergency services personnel, the person shall immediately inform the peace officer or emergency services personnel that the person is carrying a concealed handgun.

How do I renew my permit?

How do I renew my permit? How do I renew my permit?

Permit holders may renew in person or online up to four (4) months prior to the expiration date listed on their permit. An online renewal will cost $50 plus a $4.50 service fee and will require a credit card, debit card or e-check. When renewing online the Nebraska State Patrol may substitute a photograph of the applicant obtained from the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. Click Here to renew online.

The Nebraska State Patrol may require an applicant to apply for a renewal in person at one of its offices, if the person’s most recent photograph is ten (10) years old or older, if there is an issue regarding the person’s identity or criminal history, or if there is an issue regarding the information provided in or with the application.

Those who wish to renew in person will also require:

You do not need to provide proof of citizenship and you do not need a new training certificate.

Can I carry my gun concealed if I am in the process of renewing, but my original permit has expired?

Can I carry my gun concealed if I am in the process of renewing, but my original permit has expired? Can I carry my gun concealed if I am in the process of renewing, but my original permit has expired?

The Constitutional Carry Bill (LB 77) passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2023 allows any person, other than a minor or a prohibited person, to carry a concealed handgun anywhere in Nebraska, with or without a permit under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act. Therefore, you may carry a concealed handgun despite being in the process of having your permit renewed and your original permit being expired, unless you are a prohibited person.

You can renew your Concealed Handgun Permit online at

I let my concealed handgun permit expire. Can I still renew my permit?

I let my concealed handgun permit expire. Can I still renew my permit? I let my concealed handgun permit expire. Can I still renew my permit?

A permit may be renewed no later than thirty business days after the date of expiration of the permit. After the thirty business days have passed, the permit holder will need to start the process over as if requesting an initial permit. This includes taking the training course again, providing all the necessary documentation, and paying the $100 initial permit fee.

Concealed handgun permits can be renewed up to 4 months in advance to help prevent expiration.

Why didn't I recieve notifciation of my concealed handgun permit expiring?

Why didn't I recieve notifciation of my concealed handgun permit expiring? Why didn't I recieve notifciation of my concealed handgun permit expiring?

At least four months before expiration of the permit to carry a concealed handgun, the Nebraska State Patrol will send a notice of expiration to the permit holder by United States mail or electronically. If you did not receive the notice of expiration, the mailing address or email address on file may need to be updated. You may also need to check your email spam folder.

The permit holder can renew their permit up to four months before the expiration date and up to 30 business days after the permit has expired. The permit holder can also sign up for reminders at (This site is not administered by the Nebraska State Patrol).

What happens if I no longer meet the requirements after I obtain a permit?

What happens if I no longer meet the requirements after I obtain a permit? What happens if I no longer meet the requirements after I obtain a permit?

If you no longer meet the requirements, you are obligated to return your permit to the Nebraska State Patrol for revocation. If you fail to do so, a revocation proceeding can be brought against you in court which can result in a fine of up to $1,000 in addition to revocation of the permit.

How do I surrender my permit?

How do I surrender my permit? How do I surrender my permit?

Please mail your permit to 4600 Innovation Dr. Lincoln, NE 68521 with a note explaining why you are sending it in.

Do I have to surrender my permit if I have moved out of the state (Nebraska)?

Do I have to surrender my permit if I have moved out of the state (Nebraska)? Do I have to surrender my permit if I have moved out of the state (Nebraska)?

Yes, you must be a resident of the state of Nebraska in order to maintain a Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit.

If you are no longer a resident of Nebraska please mail your permit to 4600 Innovation Dr. Lincoln, NE 68521 with a note explaining why you are sending it in.

Do I have to report a change of name or address after I get a permit?

Do I have to report a change of name or address after I get a permit? Do I have to report a change of name or address after I get a permit?

Yes. Your permit must contain your current name and address to be valid. Click Here to report a change of name or address online at no cost. You must update your information with the DMV first and allow up to three days for the changes to post before requesting a CHP renewal, data change, or lost/stolen replacement.

The initial application form can also be used to request a name or address change. This can be submitted via fax, email, or in person. There is no cost for this service.

I lost my permit, how can I get it replaced?

I lost my permit, how can I get it replaced? I lost my permit, how can I get it replaced?

If your permit is lost, stolen, or damaged, you must notify the Nebraska State Patrol within ten days and request a replacement permit.

If you need to update your name or address, you must update your information with the DMV first and allow up to 3 days for the changes to post before requesting a CHP renewal, data change, or lost/stolen replacement.

Click Here to request a replacement permit online. The initial application form can also be used to request a replacement permit. This can be submitted via fax, email, or in person. There is no cost for this service.

Do law enforcement officers need a permit to carry a concealed weapon off duty?

Do law enforcement officers need a permit to carry a concealed weapon off duty? Do law enforcement officers need a permit to carry a concealed weapon off duty?

Law enforcement officers do not need a permit to carry a concealed weapon off duty. They have the same justification they have always had under the existing law as well as the benefit of a relatively new federal law. The Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act of 2004 (18 USC 44, § 926B, very commonly referred to as HR218) authorizes both qualified current and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms under certain conditions notwithstanding state or local laws to the contrary. Officers or retired officers carrying firearms under this authority must meet firearms qualification standards and carry certain documentation. This federal authorization does not supersede (take precedence over) state laws which (1) allow private persons or entities to restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property, or (2) prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property, installation, building, base, or park.

What happens to my handgun if I am in an accident and an ambulance takes me to a hospital?

What happens to my handgun if I am in an accident and an ambulance takes me to a hospital? What happens to my handgun if I am in an accident and an ambulance takes me to a hospital?

If you are transported for treatment by emergency service personnel, the handgun is to be turned over to a peace officer as soon as it is feasible to do so. The peace officer will provide you with a receipt for the handgun.

I have a concealed handgun permit. May I carry a knife?

I have a concealed handgun permit. May I carry a knife? I have a concealed handgun permit. May I carry a knife?

No, the concealed handgun permit does not permit someone to carry a concealed knife. A concealed knife is one with a blade over 3.5 inches in length that is concealed on or about their person.

How many concealed handguns can someone carry on them at one time?

How many concealed handguns can someone carry on them at one time? How many concealed handguns can someone carry on them at one time?

Nebraska statute does not limit the number of concealed handguns a permit holder may carry concealed on or about their person. Carrying more than one concealed handgun on or about their person is not a violation of law.

Revocation questions

Revocation questions Revocation questions

For questions related to revocation, please refer to Nebraska Revised Statutes §69-2439 and §69-2443 and Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21, Sections 011 and 015. For additional questions, please seek private counsel.

Appeal questions

Appeal questions Appeal questions

For questions related to appeals, please refer to Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21, Section 012 or seek private counsel.

Denial questions

Denial questions Denial questions

For questions related to denials, please refer to Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21, Section 012 or seek private counsel.


Does the Constitutional Carry bill (LB 77) passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2023 eliminate Concealed Handgun Permits in Nebraska?

Does the Constitutional Carry bill (LB 77) passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2023 eliminate Concealed Handgun Permits in Nebraska?

Does the Constitutional Carry bill (LB 77) passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2023 eliminate Concealed Handgun Permits in Nebraska?

No, LB 77 does not eliminate the Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit process, nor does it invalidate any existing valid Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit. The Nebraska State Patrol will continue to process initial, renewal, data change, and lost/stolen permit applications. Valid Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permits may still be used in place of a purchase certificate as well as allow permitholders to carry concealed in other states that have reciprocity with Nebraska’s Concealed Handgun Permits.

When does Constitutional Carry/LB 77 go into effect?

When does Constitutional Carry/LB 77 go into effect? When does Constitutional Carry/LB 77 go into effect?

LB 77 goes into full legal effect on September 2, 2023.

Will I get a refund for my Concealed Handgun Permit after Constitutional Carry/LB 77 takes effect?

Will I get a refund for my Concealed Handgun Permit after Constitutional Carry/LB 77 takes effect? Will I get a refund for my Concealed Handgun Permit after Constitutional Carry/LB 77 takes effect?

No, the Nebraska State Patrol will not issue refunds for any costs associated within obtaining a previously issued Concealed Handgun Permit, nor will individuals with existing pending applications to obtain a Concealed Handgun Permit be entitled to receive any monetary refund based solely upon the recent passage of LB 77 by the Nebraska Legislature.

How do I know if I’m a prohibited person and not allowed to carry concealed without a permit?

How do I know if I’m a prohibited person and not allowed to carry concealed without a permit? How do I know if I’m a prohibited person and not allowed to carry concealed without a permit?

It is your responsibility to know if you are a prohibited person under state or federal law. Your Nebraska criminal history can be requested by the Nebraska State Patrol, please visit the “Criminal History Record Requests” section for additional information. For additional questions concerning eligibility, please seek private counsel.

Will other states accept the Nebraska Constitutional Carry law? Can I carry concealed without a permit in another state?

Will other states accept the Nebraska Constitutional Carry law? Can I carry concealed without a permit in another state?

Will other states accept the Nebraska Constitutional Carry law? Can I carry concealed without a permit in another state?

It is not safe to assume other states accept the Nebraska Constitutional Carry law. Other states have may different requirements and/or laws that affect the legality of carrying concealed without a permit in their state. You are responsible for abiding by the laws of the specific state you wish to carry in. Please contact the state in which you are traveling for additional information.

CHP Instructor questions

How can I become an instructor?

How can I become an instructor? How can I become an instructor?

Instructors must meet many of the same requirements as a permit holder. The instructor application must be completed in its entirety and notarized. Instructors are required to be certified to teach handgun courses by another recognized certifying agency such as the National Rifle Association or the U.S. Concealed Carry Association. Instructors must also present a current Handgun Purchase Certificate under Nebraska Rev. Stat. 69-2401 to 69-2409, a current permit issued under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act, or a current Federal Firearms License issued by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

In addition, applicants must prepare a proposed course curriculum by reviewing the development and objective guidelines and the rules and regulations set forth in Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21. A pre-approved universal curriculum is also available for viewing and may be used as a reference when constructing your course curriculum. Please note that all information included within the pre-approved universal curriculum must be included in one’s course curriculum in order to be approved. Please review the ‘CHP Forms/Documents’ section of the website for access to the above-mentioned forms and information.

What documentation is needed to become an instructor?

What documentation is needed to become an instructor? What documentation is needed to become an instructor?

Per Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21, you must appear in person when applying for an initial or renewal instructor certification. The following information is required:

I am a handgun instructor in the military. Can I be certified to teach this course?

I am a handgun instructor in the military. Can I be certified to teach this course? I am a handgun instructor in the military. Can I be certified to teach this course?

Military instructors may be certified to teach a handgun course, which meets the standards required for all instructors. A notarized copy of your certification as a Military Pistol Instructor will be required. Please review the rules and regulations for instructor certification set forth in Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21.